BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastermodified: changed from MIT license to GPLv3Alejandro5 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-09-08modified: changed from MIT license to GPLv3HEADmasterAlejandro
2024-08-23added: space in ifAlejandro
2024-07-05added: README fileAlejandro
2024-05-31Added: MIT licenseAlejandro
2024-05-31Added: gitignore for ignoring the pdfs, latex outputs and compressed filesAlejandro
2024-05-31Added: template file for pdfAlejandro
2024-05-31Added: weight list file for randomizing dataAlejandro
2024-05-31Added: Script files for randomizing and compilingAlejandro
2024-05-31added: files for randomizing name, career, and jobAlejandro